

Magdalen often quoted that “Religious life is but the gospel put into practice.” We are called to maintain a balance between prayer and
service with a focus on building community relationships.

Prayer is an essential part of our daily life and Eucharist forms an integral part of it. We consider prayer as a privileged way of drawing closer to the newness of God each day and to the needs of the world.

Our variety of Ministries engages us in:

bullet Education
bullet Evangelisation
bullet Care of the sick
bullet Spiritual Exercises
bullet Promotion of the Laity

We believe that, whatever work we are involved in, we are called to be a sign and presence of the Love of Jesus that makes no distinction and pays particular attention to those who are marginalized or oppressed.

Living in Community gives us the opportunity to share the joy and struggles of the day as we strive to give witness to the love of Christ – the centre of our living together.

