

A Vocation to the Canossian Daughters Of Charity

Everyone has a vocation.
Who are you called to becomeā€¦?

When people think of vocation they often associate the following
question with it – How can I contribute towards making the
world a better place?

The Canossian Daughter of Charity is a woman who believes that God has called her for a purpose, to live her life in some good work with other like-minded women. We take our inspiration from the gospel and the writings of Magdalen of Canossa. Both remind us that we are primarily called to love God and our brothers and sisters.

Want something more in your life?

Our life of service calls us to develop and use our gifts and talents for the material and spiritual needs of those we minister to. Who one becomes is important. This commitment calls us to strive to find simple and creative ways of making the love of Christ a lived experience for others.

